Hi guys,
It’s finally Friday, and I am so excited to have ahead of me a weekend with weather that is supposed to be sunny and warm and glorious. I was going to ride my bike to work today, but was super bummed out to find that both of my tires are flat. Boo! I have to take it to the shop tomorrow. Strangely, though, my back tire was flat a few months ago and I’d gotten it fixed and the whole thing tuned up. There must be some evil air-sucking spirit hanging around my bike.
Meanwhile, I’ve had a bit of excitement this week with some fun publicity stuff:
First, you should check out the readergirlz website–I mean, you should check it out anyway, because it’s awesome, and the readergirlz divas are awesome, and they’ve created an awesome YA community. But as I mentioned in my last post, they were kind enough to invite me to be their author-in-residence for the summer, and I just posted my first vlog. it’s not just my first vlog for the readergirlz. I mean, it’s my first vlog ever. You can see it here: http://www.readergirlz.com/residence.ht
And then, my mom just called me to say that she happened upon a magazine that we Delawareans favor called Delaware Today and saw that I was one of their featured summer reading authors. Very cool! The link to that article is here: http://www.delawaretoday.com/Delaware-T
I hope y’all have a great weekend!