I know…it’s been a while. A few months is all, right? Well, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy though. Busy trying to start a new book. Busy with work and apartment renovations and…well, mostly work.
But I’m still here, and I’m very excited because next week is the New York City Teen Author Festival!
You can view the complete and fabulous schedule on Facebook to see where all of your favorite authors will be: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gi
I’ll be making a few appearances. First, on Friday 3/19, I’ll be signing at the Scholastic Store (557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012) around 1 o’clock. And on Friday afternoon, I’ll be at the NYCTAF Symposium, which is being held at the South Court of the main branch of the New York Public Library (42nd Street and Fifth Avenue) at 3:30. I’ll be on a panel with some amazing authors, including one of my heroes Alice Hoffman, talking about grief, loss, and the YA novel.
Then on Sunday, 3/21, I’ll be signing at Books of Wonder (18 W. 18th Street) at 4:15pm. This is a mega-signing; there will be a ton of YA authors signing between 2 and 6pm. So, please come to any or all of these events, say hi, and bring lots of friends! I can’t wait to see you!